Mary E. Smith Foundation
20650 S. Cicero Ave. #827 Matteson, IL. 60443
To provide the resources to assist in the early detection and prevention of brain tumors; to support education and research in the neurosciences through scholarships; to award grants to health care organizations; to provide financial assistance for brain tumor screenings for underserved families; to promote healthy living and lifestyles through health awareness; to conduct and/or support community programs dedicated to the improvement of health, wellness and overall quality of life.
Recent Successes
- Awarded over $45,000 in scholarships nationwide since 2008 (Of which, $17,500 awarded to CPS students)
- In 2014, established the Karen Lewis CTU-CPS Excellence in Science Award.
- Donated over $1000 to fund life saving preventative screenings for MRI’s & CT scans to supplement patient incomes.
- Contributed $5000 towards advocacy programs supporting the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) & the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS).
- In 2016 Funded a $10,000 research grant to Northwestern Brain Tumor Institute (NBTI) in Chicago for glioblastoma’s; a highly malignant tumor type that killed the late senator Ted Kennedy & Vice President Joe Biden’s son; pledging to reach a donation goal of +$50,000 towards clinical trials over the next 5 years.
- Participated in both the 2016 Head to the Hill NBTS Advocacy Event and the 2016 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s (PBTF) Conference to Eliminate the Challenges of Childhood Brain Tumors.
Facebook: Mary E. Smith Foundation
Additional Information
Since losing Mary in 2003, we work tirelessly to honor her memory. The Board of Directors labor on a voluntary basis in order to ensure that over
90% of funds benefit the community. Since 2008, MESF has proudly recognized the educational system that our President once taught in and that educated her mother (Mary Elizabeth (Bryant) Smith). We have proudly awarded funds to students from Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, Kenwood Academy and King College Prep, Robert Lindblom Math & Science Academy and Lane Tech HS. We look forward to our upcoming scholarship period (12-1-16 thru 3-1-17) to give another CPS student an opportunity to obtain a higher education.