Career Pathways
To educate, train, and advocate for social, racial, and economic justice through career and technical education with a focus on inclusive and green manufacturing, climate justice, and trades training through programming that results in more black/brown educators, an increase of CTE options for students at all schools, and resolutions to address CTE, climate, and housing resources for Chicago.
By building partnerships with the skilled trades, school districts, employers, and local representatives, Build Your Own addresses the workforce skill gap due to decades of disinvestment in CTE programs at neighborhood schools.
To address the shortage of CTE teachers and to ensure our students are career ready, the Instructors Apprenticeship is a professional development program to train and support CTE teachers in the development of their technical, cultural, and pedagogical competencies.
CTUF Career Pathways develops a system of programs and services as a model to close the racial wealth gap for families in underserved communities.
Contact Michael Moriarty, Career Pathways Coordinator, for more information.