Chicagoland Laborer
5700 W. Homer Street, Chicago, IL 60639
The story of the Chicagoland Laborers’ District Council Training and Apprentice Fund began over 25 years ago, in the summer of 1986. The program was designed to provide something vital: training and education for Laborers working under the Chicagoland District Council collective bargaining agreement. While its primary goal has remained the same, it has matured into a program that not only warrants respect, but has fostered meaningful labor education. The staff is open to developing training courses to meet the specific needs of either the Contractor or Union membership. It is a place where people work together to learn and grow with the ever-evolving industry standards.
Recent Successes
1986 The Chicagoland Laborers’ District Council Training and Apprentice Fund is established.
1990 The Carol Stream Training Facility is built to accommodate our growing membership with classroom instruction and enough acreage needed for hands-on activities.
1996 On-site training is offered to signatory contractors to have their Union Laborers trained at the jobsite.
1999 The Chicagoland Laborers Apprenticeship Program is established.
2009 The Chicago Training Facility is built to accommodate our Chicago and Cook County-based membership.
2013 The Training Center adds two more LIUNA Certified Instructors (David Jansa and Matthew Vilim) under ANSI 17024.
2014 The Training Center adds six more LIUNA Certified Instructors (Alfredo Ascencio, Donald Calhoun, Gregory Pattison, Rick Rasmussen, John Retondo and Marcus Roberts) under ANSI 17024.
2015 Instructor Terry Wilson received his ANSI Certification. Carol Stream facility is upgraded and a standard curriculum is established.
2016 Apprentice Coordinator Paul Hoetzer becomes one of the first coordinators in the country to achieve LIUNA Certification under ANSI 17024. Instructor Raphael Adlam also received his ANSI Certification.
Additional Information
You can find more information about Chicagoland Laborers at