St. Paul Church of God in Christ Community Development Ministries
4550 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL.60653
The mission of the organization is to provide human and social services geared towards empowerment. Such human and social services include, but is not limited to, providing educational support services to community-based organizations, faith-based entities, and various institutions committed to uplifting the community. Our mission also is to provide vocational rehabilitation services that include job counseling, job training, and work experience to unemployed and underemployed that lack job skills.
Recent Successes
St. Paul Community Development Ministries, Inc. (SPCDM) was founded in 1995 and has provided summer youth programming. We have a 16-year history providing services and enhancing community and economic development by assisting the historically underrepresented, under/unemployed, and hard-to-serve populations through its career-readiness, pre-apprenticeship training. SPCDM programming provides outreach, recruitment, assessment, career awareness/exploration, reading and math preparation, mentoring and enhanced case management.
Most recently, fourteen (14) placements were made into United States Department of Labor (USDOL) approved apprenticeship programs made possible through funding from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Employment Opportunities (DCEO) that ended December 31, 2015. To-date, 171 placements were achieved since the inception of SPCDM’s career-readiness, pre-apprenticeship training program in May 2000.
Facebook: Spcdm Development
Additional Information
SPCDM shares the same value as the Chicago Teachers Union Foundation to strengthen public education and social welfare in the city of Chicago. The Chicago Teachers Union Foundation recently provided a funding opportunity to SPCDM in support of its continued mission to provide service and prepare individuals for a successful career path into USDOL approved apprenticeship programs and other related programs.