Telpochcalli Community Education Project
2832 W. 24th Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60623
Telpochcalli Community Education Project (Tcep) mobilizes youth and adults for social justice work by building individual capacity, collective power, and mutual responsibility through culturally relevant and community-directed education, leadership development, and organizing.
Recent Successes
Telpochcalli Community Education Project (Tcep) is a nonprofit organization located in the Little Village/South Lawndale community of Chicago’s west side. The organization was founded in 1998 by a group of parents and teachers committed to address the lack of social, cultural and educational resources available to families in Little Village and Telpochcalli School. In 2002, Tcep formally organized as a nonprofit community-based organization.
Tcep provides the opportunity for education and empowerment, enabling participants to take action to change their communities for the better.
Additional Information
You can find more information about the Telpochcalli Community Educatino Project at