The Night Ministry
4711 N. Ravenswood, Chicago IL 60640
The Night Ministry compassionately provides housing, health care, outreach, spiritual care, and social services to adults and youth who struggle with homelessness, poverty and loneliness. We accept individuals as they are and offer support as they seek to improve their lives. We invite others to join this hope-filled work.
Recent Successes
- The Night Ministry has been providing housing, health-care and human connection to members of the Chicago community struggling with poverty or homelessness for 40 years. We are pleased to share these highlights from the last year:
- Staff at the Health Outreach Bus made 44,291 outreach contacts with youth and adults seeking services.
- Outreach Nurses conducted 1,275 basic health assessments of homeless, precariously housed, and medically vulnerable individuals.
- Staff administered 609 Rapid HIV Tests for high-risk youth and adults, and found 13 positive results, which is a 2% positivity rate (double what the CDC defines for high-risk populations).
- The Crib provided 7,495 shelter bed nights and 14,990 meals to 277 youth.
- 53 youth in the 120-day Interim Housing Program enrolled or maintained attendance in an educational, vocational or job training program.
- 100% of youth at the Response-Ability Pregnant and Parenting Program (RAPPP) were current in their health care. Also, 100% of youth at RAPPP completed an educational or vocational goal.
- 100% of the 15 youth served in the 2-year Transitional Living Program achieved at least two Case Management goals. And together they completed over 150 hours of community service.
Twitter: @NightMinistry
Additional Information
The Night Ministry is a Chicago-based organization that works to provide housing, health care and human connection to members of our community struggling with poverty or homelessness. With an open heart and an open mind, we accept people as they are and work to address their immediate physical, emotional and social needs while affirming their sense of humanity.
Through The Night Ministry’s Health Outreach Bus, Youth Outreach Van and Youth Shelter Network, each year we provide services to 5,200 adults, teens, pregnant and new moms who have nowhere else to go.
In 1976, a group of north side congregations from diverse faith backgrounds founded The Night Ministry to serve individuals on Chicago’s nighttime streets who were struggling with loneliness, despair, poverty, substance abuse, homelessness and more. Celebrating our 40th anniversary is more than just recognizing the past. It is about celebrating what we have become.
Today, The Night Ministry and those who support our mission maintain the same unwavering commitment to serving those in need as did the approximately 20 congregations who founded us in 1976. Last year our services touched the lives of thousands of individuals who sought safe housing, quality health care and non-judgmental human connection at our Health Outreach Bus, Youth Outreach Van or one of our five shelter programs for homeless youth.