The Grant Process
Page Limit: No more than 5-pages single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font.
Proposal Format (please format your narrative sections as follows):
1. Cover Page/Agency Introduction – on company letterhead, include the following:
- organization contact information for Executive Director
- email, address
- telephone number
- company address
- organization’s mission statement
2. Program Summary – provide a brief summary of the proposed program
3. Identify the need/issue
4. Program Goals and Objectives – list your goal(s), objective(s), and expected outcome(s) that will address the identified issues
5. Program Design/Activity – provide an overview of the program design/activities that will help reduce or eliminate the identified need
6. Program Timeframe – provide the timeframes and/or deliverables of the proposed program.
7. Program Budget – provide an itemized program budget for requested funds.
Required Supplemental Documentation
For full funding consideration, please submit the following documents with the full grant proposal.
- 501(c)3 Status Letter – First time applicant only
- 2-years of financial audit report – all applicants
- Program budget with narrative – all applicants
- List of board members – all applicants
Grant Award Agreements/Grantees
If awarded a grant from Chicago Teachers Union Foundation, awardee/grantee agrees to provide the following document concluding the funded period or upon request:
- Yearend program Report/Progress Report
- Grantee agrees to provide Chicago Teachers Union Foundation with photos of the program implementation, stories of impact from the proposed program
- Event details for the proposed program