Teaching Resources
Below you will find a list of resources to utilize on May Day with your students. These resources are intended to provide ideas and tools for educators to teach about Labor History, Race and Racism, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, Women’s Rights, Disability Rights, and the Climate Change Crisis.
Labor History
The following links are from the following websites: Teaching Tolerance, Illinois Labor History Society, and PBS – WTTW. These links provide a multitude of information and lessons on labor and the establishing of unions. This material can be adapted by teachers, PSRPs and clinicians to utilize with their students.
Race and Racism
The following four links are reading materials for teachers, PSRPs, and clinicians who want to learn more about how to confront racism and have meaningful conversations about race and racism with colleagues and students. Within the reading materials themselves, there are a plethora of links to additional readings, resources, and activities.
The links below takes you to articles about some of the myths associated with immigrants. The links also provide videos/documentaries, essential questions, associated vocabulary and a host of other materials on immigration. As is the case with most Teaching Tolerance articles, there are other links to click that will provide further insight on the topic of immigration.
LGBTQ Issues
The link below takes you to AFT’s Share My Lesson on Bullying and LGBTQ Youth. It is well documented that students that identify as LGBTQ are substantially more bullied than other young people. It is also a documented fact that the rates of suicide are far greater for this population of youth. The information found herein will help teachers build, along with their students, a safe space for all students. The resources are designed to aid and assist educators in teaching all students about LGBTQ issues and creating a teaching and learning environment that is inclusive.
Women’s Rights
The first link below takes you to a site that analyzes archival materials related to the birth of the Women’s Rights movement. Through analysis of these primary sources, students in grades 9-12 can begin to appreciate the deeply entrenched opposition our foremothers faced. The second link takes you to the Human Rights Watch page that focuses on women’s rights across the planet. Human Rights Watch is working toward the realization of women’s empowerment and gender equality—protecting the rights and improving the lives of women and girls on the ground.
Disability Rights
The link below provides lessons for teachers to use with students to help them work toward understanding what it means to have a learning disability. The goal is to have the students become aware of prejudice and discrimination aimed at those with learning disabilities and in turn learn to combat prejudice and discrimination.
Climate Change Crisis
Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) – The CTUF Quest Center is in partnership with ACE and has secured a FREE 1-year subscription for our members. Our Climate Our Future. (This is a $60 annual subscription normally.) ACE created a coupon code that CTU teachers can use: CTUF3JAN2018. (That’s the date access will expire next year.) To access, create an account here. On the next page, choose the 1-year subscription from the drop-down menu. On the following page, enter the coupon code (CTUF3JAN2018). You’ll be prompted for your billing address, but there’s no charge. Once you’re on the site, there are several videos that specifically address climate justice and climate impacts. Look through the U.S. Impacts page at the video and trivia content there, including a video specifically about climate justice. In the For Teachers section, there are additional resources, including a discussion guide, to talk about climate justice issues, as well as a series of science reports and worksheets on topics such as black carbon.