eta Creative Arts Foundation
7558 S. South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60619-2644
To be a major cultural resource institution for the preservation, perpetuation and promulgation of the African American aesthetic. eta shall provide professional opportunities by way of training and performance for the development of youth and adults as artists and technicians; sales for visual arts, and exposure for the general public to authentic, valid projections of African American lifestyles, experiences and aspirations.
Recent Successes
eta Saturday Youth Classes resumed in fall 2015. Our students experienced tremendous growth taking core classes in music, visual arts, drama and movement. Final showcase performances are underway through June 18, 2016.
eta Chicago Summer on the Nile Arts Camp returns this summer for students ages 6-12.
eta Magic Box Series launched January 2016. Diverse, multi-disciplined artists performed staged readings, The Jazz Institute of Chicago showcased their Youth Ensemble, local female comics took the stage for an evening of hilarious commentary and patrons were witnessed the inaugural presentation of “”Eye of the Storm: The Bayard Rustin Story”” by local musical theatre playwright McKinley Johnson. eta Magic Box Series will return next season. The series affords eta the opportunity to share space and resources with local artists while expanding program options for our community.
Twitter: @etacreative
Facebook: etacreativearts
Instagram: @etacreativearts
Additional Information
eta Creative Arts Foundation celebrates 45 years of service to arts and cultural learning in Chicago. eta is engaged in a 5-year plan to create a vibrant arts hub on the south side of Chicago to ensure youth and adults in our communities have access, training and engagement opportunities in the arts.