Access Living
115 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60654
Access Living is a cross–disability organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities.
Access Living fosters the dignity, pride and self–esteem of people with disabilities and enhances the options available to them so they may choose and maintain individualized and satisfying lifestyles. To this end, Access Living offers peer–oriented independent living services; public education, awareness and development; individualized and systemic advocacy; and enforcement of civil rights on behalf of people with disabilities.
Access Living recognizes the innate rights, abilities, needs and diversity of people with disabilities, works toward their full integration into community life and serves as an agent of social change.
Recent Successes
Facebook: Access Living
Twitter: @AccessLiving
Additional Information
Access Living focuses on vital issues that directly affect the quality of life for all people with disabilities. While we provide practical, direct support and services to thousands of Chicagoans with disabilities each year, our crucial work also reaches a broader national constituency through our aggressive advocacy and public policy efforts.
Access Living Programs offer these core services:
Information and Referral
Information about any disability–related subject, and referral to other resources when needed
Ongoing direct, nonviolent action in support of disability rights, at the individual, community and national level
Independent Living Skills
Real–life training on practical know–how for living independently, from budgeting to traveling, from personal assistant management to job seeking, and more.
Peer Counseling
Real problem–solving skills and support for all kinds of issues, with other people with disabilities who understand exactly what it’s like.