Logan Square Neighborhood Association
2840 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618
LSNA is a community-based organization, advancing diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalyst for social change.
Founded in 1962, LSNA initially explored ways to improve economic conditions in the Logan Square neighborhood. LSNA soon began to connect economic, political, social, cultural, and education programs into a broad strategy to positively impact the neighborhood. In the 1970s and 1980s, Logan Square became majority Latinx, with the local public schools 90% Latinx and 95% low-income. At the time, many perceived the schools as distant and unwelcoming. LSNA saw strong schools as fundamentally interconnected with community well-being and viewed them as a community resource.
LSNA worked closely with school leaders, including principals, to help transform schools as community centers, with deep parent involvement.In 1995, for example, LSNA founded the Parent Mentor Program to train largely low-income, immigrant parents as leaders in their local schools to provide tutoring and other support in the classroom. Over the years, LSNA has opened community learning centers, created workplace training programs, helped attract more affordable housing to their communities, fostered economic development, planted neighborhood gardens, and implemented a number of community safety programs.
Facebook: Logan Square Neighborhood Association
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/lsnachicago
Twitter: @LSNAChicago
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/lsnaphotos
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/logan-square-neighborhood-assn/about/
Phone: (773) 384-4370