Parents Across America
c/o Siegel 53 W Jackson #405, Chicago, IL 60604
PAA is a grassroots organization that connects parents of all backgrounds across the United States to share ideas and work together to improve our nation’s public schools. PAA is committed to bringing the voice of public school parents – and common sense – to local, state, and national education debates.
Recent Successes
- Our ground-breaking research has found links between the misuse and overuse of standardized tests and increased student test anxiety.
- We were an active partner in the successful effort to shut down inBloom and its student data mining plans.
- We have exposed the many inequities in educational opportunity for low income children and children of color, and are actively working to promote programs to address these inequities.
- Our 50 chapters and affiliates around the country are leaders in local opt out movements, challenging charter expansion, raising an alarm about the incursion of digital devices and programs in our schools, etc.
Twitter: @parentsacrossam
Additional Information
Our newsletter promotes an Action of the Week which offers our members and readers something concrete to do each week to support public schools, teachers and students.