ReFund America Project
570 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10022
The ReFund America Project focuses on researching how Wall Street’s predatory practices contribute to public budget distress and drive austerity policies, and partners with community organizations and unions to develop campaigns to fix these problems so that we can fully fund public services.
Recent Successes
The ReFund America Project played a key role in the campaign against toxic swaps in Illinois, which resulted in the passage of a debt accountability and transparency ordinance in the Chicago City Council in May and has led to multiple state legislative hearings on predatory bank deals. We also coauthored a report about high hedge fund fees, which led the New York City Employees’ Retirement System and the Illinois State Board of Investment to announce that they would begin the process of divesting from hedge funds.
Twitter: @ReFundAmericaRI
Facebook: Refund America Project
Additional Information
We are doing new groundbreaking research this year about how Wall Street preys on communities of color. Specifically, we will be focusing on the ways in which banks profit off of police brutality and the role that they play in causing water crises.