Storycatchers Theatre
544 W. Oak Street, Suite 1005, Chicago, IL 60610
Storycatchers Theatre is a youth development arts organization that prepares young people to make thoughtful life choices through the process of writing, producing, and performing original musical theatre inspired by personal stories. Writing and performing arts workshops help youth find their voices, connect to their own life stories, and learn from their peers. Participants express their challenges, life experiences, dreams and aspirations. The process from storytelling to play production enables them to set and achieve goals, link decisions to consequences, and develop a vision for personal success.
Recent Successes
Storycatchers serves youth at all stages of court involvement, from probation or detention to incarceration to post-release employment. The company began working with detained and incarcerated youth living in juvenile justice facilities in Illinois in 1990. These gender-specific, trauma-informed programs provide an outlet for court-involved young people to experience success through the process of writing and performing original dramatic and musical material inspired by their personal experiences. Since Storycatchers’ expansion into post-release employment in 2014, the company has coordinated with allies in aftercare to prepare young people to navigate reentry successfully as they develop the capacity to become peer leaders and agents of positive change.
Participants in all programs write, share and discuss personal stories and collaborate to identify common themes and challenges. Storycatchers teaching artists and volunteer mentors create a safe, structured, supportive environment as they work with youth participants to write, develop and produce an original musical play.
Additional Information
You can find more information about Storycatchers Theatre at