The Adjoin Fund, Inc.
11261 Longwood Drive, Chicago, IL
The Adjoin Fund is an emerging community-based organization that was founded in 2014. The sole purpose and mission of the Fund is to help African American boys, grades six to eight, become more competent readers.
Recent Successes
The librarian at Mildred I. Lavizzo Elementary School conducted a survey of boys in grades six through eight. She asked them what they would like to read. They gave her a long list of books, graphic novels, and action hero stories to name a few. The librarian listed more than 80 titles specifically submitted by her students, noting that children are more inclined to read when it is material they are interested in. The Adjoin Fund gave a grant to purchase the books.
The middle school literacy teacher at Wendell Smith Elementary School wanted to start a Guys Read field office. The teacher’s aim: to motivate her boys to read by connecting them to materials they want to read. The Adjoin Fund gave a grant to establish the office, purchase books, pay stipends to reading companions, and purchase snacks.
The academic director at O’Keeffe School of Excellence enlisted athletic coaches to help their boys become better readers. Using the “Real Men Read” model, coaches hosted regular meetings to read to and with boys in grades six through eight. The Adjoin Fund gave a grant to institute the project, purchase supplies, and pay stipends to coaches.
Facebook: adjoinfund
Additional Information
In its first full year of programming, The Adjoin Fund impacted more than 120 boys on their quest to become better readers.
The Adjoin Fund is unique in both city and state as it is the only community-based organization raising funds and giving them to public elementary schools to help African American boys in grades six through eight become better readers.