The Well of Mercy
6339 N. Fairfield, Chicago, IL 60659
The Well of Mercy is the beginning of a new path for strong women willing to work towards a better future for themselves and for their children.
We’re not only providing a secure home for single, pregnant women in need—when they’ve been abused, abandoned, left broke or broken—we’re creating a program of change together. The opportunities we provide set our women on a course for stability and success.
Recent Successes
A sustainable solution
The Well of Mercy helps mothers to know their purpose in life and to take responsibility for the discipline it takes to acquire these life changes.
We are proud to give our residents a variety of opportunities:
• Counseling and group support
• Career mentoring and work opportunities
• Family setting encouraging bonding with other residents
• Social events that develop life skills
Additional Information
You can find more information about the The Well of Mercy at