Studio One Dance Theatre
1849 West 95th St., Chicago, IL 60605
Studio One Dance Theatre is committed to giving students more than just dance steps-they discover the steps needed to empower themselves, celebrate African American culture and realize their true potential. We seek to go beyond traditional training, encouraging our students to gain a deeper understanding of community awareness, health and fitness, entrepreneurial and communication skills, theater appreciation and cultural pride.
Recent Successes
Our recent successes include: performing in the WGN Thanksgiving Day Parade, Two alumni performing in Broadway shows, 60 students being featured performers in Congo Square Theatre Company’s “” Nativity””, Providing 30 full and 25 partial scholarships for CPS students, 3 acting students signed to the prestigious Gill Hayes Talent Agency and winning first place in 2 National Dance Competitions
Facebook: StudioOneDanceTheatre
Additional Information
Studio One Dance Theatre set high expectations in both the arts and education, and awards exceptional students with scholarships. To date SODT has awarded $125,000 in academic scholarships and $250,000 in dance scholarships. 100% of students that start as freshman graduate high school, and 95% go on to college. Alumni have become everything from professional dancers to leaders in the field of medicine. Many students have even opened their own dance studios across the country.