Congratulations to our New NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED TEACHERS – Class of 2019
CTU and CPS are proud to welcome 48 new NBCTs to the ranks of our highly accomplished teachers, librarians and school counselors who are helping students reach their highest potential. These new NBCTs join a growing community of more than 125,000 teachers, librarians, and counselors who have achieved this advanced credential from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) across all 50 states.
These new National Board Certified Teachers have spent two years in professional development studying for content area exams and creating portfolios of their teaching. A jury of their peers at NBPTS has determined they met the Gold Standard in one of 25 different content and developmental certificate areas. Achieving National Board Certification enables our members to receive the annual pensionable stipend as delineated in the CPS/CTU Bargaining Agreement as well as move up the salary scale by receiving Lane Placement and graduate credits, and even their Master’s degree. Research from the Consortium on Chicago School Research has also determined that teachers who achieve NBC score higher on their REACH evaluations as well.
Kyle Cobban, Art/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Emmelin Crespi, Art/Early and Middle Childhood
Whitney N. Huber, Art/Early and Middle Childhood
Matthew Lemoyne, English Language Arts/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Dion L. Love, English Language Arts/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Faith Bejar, English Language Arts/Early Adolescence
Nada Cuvalo, English Language Arts/Early Adolescence
Derek Gould, English Language Arts/Early Adolescence
Traci Brazel, Exceptional Needs Specialist
NaTia Brownlee, Exceptional Needs Specialist
Martin Lenthe, Exceptional Needs Specialist
Michael McDevitt, Exceptional Needs Specialist
Jennifer Plaskota, Exceptional Needs Specialist
Margi Bhansali, Generalist/Early Childhood
Lisa Tanseleh Gunawan, Generalist/Early Childhood
Yezenia Guzman, Generalist/Early Childhood
Jennifer Harris, Generalist/Early Childhood
Heather Murphy, Generalist/Early Childhood
Mira Preston, Generalist/Early Childhood
Abigale Regan, Generalist/Early Childhood
Natalie Sabbath, Generalist/Early Childhood
Karen Soto, Generalist/Early Childhood
Cynthia Thompson, Generalist/Middle Childhood
Anna Cruz, Literacy: Reading Language Arts
Jennifer Reisner, Literacy: Reading Language Arts
Emmanuel Del Rio, Mathematics/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Chelsea Whitney Journae Moorman, Mathematics/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Venetia Murchison-Colon, Mathematics/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Aaron Bingea, Mathematics/Early Adolescence
Marikate Mulroe, Mathematics/Early Adolescence
Hemang Srikishan, Mathematics/Early Adolescence
Joseph Tierhold, Mathematics/Early Adolescence
Leah Stephens, Music/Early and Middle Childhood
Andrea Malek, Music/Early and Middle Childhood
Ryan Blumberg, Physical Education/Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Mark Henninger, Physical Education/Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Kirstin Johnson, Physical Education/Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Patrick Brady, Physical Education/Early and Middle Childhood
Katie Stalzer, School Counseling
Katie Styzek, School Counseling
Deanna Digitale-Grider, Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Binh Nguyen, Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Nora Wengerski, Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Yiwen Katherine Wu, Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
David Golden, Social Studies-History/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Laura McKnight, Social Studies-History/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Anton Miglietta, Social Studies-History/Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Jacob Weatherred, Social Studies-History/Adolescence and Young Adulthood