EQuip to Achieve
EQ and Remote Learning Summit
K-8 Educators, Parents, and Support Staff
I am thrilled to invite you to attend the EQuip to Achieve: EQ and Remote Learning Summit (EQ2A), which will be held virtually and asynchronously on April 8 – June 20, 2021. You will also have the opportunity to attend some live and interactive workshops, as well as networking sessions.
With the pandemic and the resulting increase in remote learning for many school-aged children, the improvement, and even maintenance of EQ (emotional quotient/intelligence) is more important than ever. And as educators, we know that these effects are not going away as we begin to venture back into in-person teaching and learning.
The purpose of the summit is to bring teachers and parents together to share, discuss, and learn simple, practical, real-world solutions to address the challenges of learning in today’s environment. There will be a focus on K-8.
The Children & Teachers Foundation of the Chicago Teachers Union is proud to be a partner and I (Walter Taylor, NBCT, Director of PD for the CTUF) will be a speaker on the topic of Culturally Responsive Teaching: The Importance of Understanding and Incorporating the New Illinois State Board of Education Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards with Fidelity and the Connection It Has to SEL and EQ. As a CPS teacher, you will receive one (1) ISBE PD Hour Credit for each of the sessions attended, and there are more than 40 sessions!
Because the Children & Teachers Foundation has partnered with the EQuip to Achieve, we are able to offer you a discount if you register through this link: https://waltereq2a–sel.thrivecart.com/equip-2-achieve-partner-2837/
The speakers are experts in social-emotional learning (SEL), emotional intelligence, and education. They are passionate about empowering adults and children to achieve at their fullest potential. Join us to hear their practical advice on how to navigate remote learning, social distancing, and more, using EQ and SEL. You will learn what you can do to improve the emotional intelligence of the children in your life as well as how you can improve your very own emotional intelligence.
I am looking forward to speaking at this event, and I hope you are able to attend!